Downtown Monster Brands LLC dba Bougie Monkey Coffee is committed to supporting causes that we believe in, and doing so in an ethical, honest way. To that end, the following applies to our charitable giving program:

  1. When a customer chooses a charity when purchasing coffee, Bougie Monkey will donate $1 from that single bag of coffee to the charity the customer chooses. The donation is always $1/bag, regardless of the retail or sale cost of the bag.
  2. Donations are made to the chosen charities on a monthly basis. 
  3. Coffee that is returned/refunded according to our return/refund policy does not invalidate the donation.
  4. Bougie Monkey reserves the right to cease supporting a charity on our list at any given time. Should we stop supporting a charity for any reason, all donations selected for that charity will still be honored and sent.
  5. Donations are not made for merchandise or other non-coffee purchases.
  6. Donations cannot be made to charities not on our approved list.
  7. Once sent to the charity, donations cannot be changed or revoked.
  8. Prior to being sent, donations can be changed by emailing us at
  9. A detailed accounting of our donations and receipts proving donations have been properly sent can be requested by emailing
  10.  Have a suggestion for a new charity we should add to our list? Contact us.

Thank you for supporting these charities by purchasing Bougie Monkey Coffee. We appreciate your business and our charitable partners appreciate your support.